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Mexican Ceviche

A simple snacks for parties

I had this appetizer in Canada, when a friend took me to this Mexican restaurant with Michelin stars for a birthday treat.

It is made with fresh seafood (Fish, shrimp, squid) and green limes. Just marinate them overnight and serve with purple onions , tomatoes and mangoes.

You can also adjust your own flavour with the richness and spicy. Plain and simple.


100g ​Daily Fish

​1/3 Onion

1/2 Sweet Potato

1/2 Mango 6 Limes Method: 1). Slice the fish into cubes, steam for 5 minutes and prepare for later use. Marinate with lime juice overnight 2). mix the fish with purple onions, tomatoes and mangoes 3). Can serve as salad with vegetables, or with Mexican nachos 材料: 魚柳100g 紫洋蔥1/3個 蕃茄半個 青檸檬6個 芒果半個 步驟: 1) 將魚切粒,蒸5分鐘, 待涼備用, 用青檸汁醃製一晚 2) 將已醃製的魚拌入已切粒的紫洋蔥,蕃茄,芒果內. 3) 可以伴沙律菜或墨西哥脆片當前菜吃

This restaurant is highly recommended for all in Toronto. It has spectacular environments and gorgeous food. El Catrin 18 Tank House Lane, Toronto, ON M5A 3C4, Canada



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