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Uji Matcha Red Bean Cake with Jelly

I have a friend who is a great fan of Matcha, she will go to almost every new places that specialty in Matcha. But when it comes to new places, usually there will be a super long queue, since I am a person who hates lining up, why don't I try to make it at home! It's not that difficult after all, plus I don't have to wait in line <<Uji Matcha Red Bean Cake>> (A) Ingredients: 80g Cake Flour 10g Uji Matcha Flour 3 Egg Yolk 30g Sugar 60ml Water 50ml Melted Butter (B) Ingredients: 4 Egg White 50g Sugar

Method: 1) mix the egg yolks with sugar and stir to a light yellowish colour 2) stir well with water and melted butter 3) add in the powders and stir gently until no further chunks of power 4) whisk the egg white with low speed until it turns fluffy. Mix in the sugar slowly from 3 different portions 5) whisk the egg white until its firm 6) preheat the oven with 170 degrees 7) mix 1/3 of the egg white into the powder and mix well 8) mix the remaining portion and stir well 9) pour the mixture to the banking pan, flatten out evenly 10) oven bake with 170 degrees for 15 minutes 11). Take out from module and cool down 12) put on sweet cream and red beans as stuffing 13). Roll up carefully and put into refrigerator for 2 hours <<Matcha Jelly>> Ingredients: 200g Water 20g Sugar 5g Gelatin Sheel 2g Matcha Flour 10g Hot Water Method: 1) soften the gelatin sheel by soaking it in iced water 2) mix the Matcha powder with hot water and stir well 3) boil the water and sugar fully, pour in the Matcha mixture in and stir well 4) add in the softened gelatine sheel 5) pour into a module and cool down 6) refrigerate overnight

​<<宇治抺茶紅豆卷>> A材料: 低筋麵粉80g

​​宇治抺茶粉10g 蛋黃3個 糖30g


牛油溶液50ml B材料: 蛋白4個 糖50g 做法- 1) 將蛋黃和糖攪拌至淡黃色, 2) 加入水,牛油溶液,拌勻 3) 加入已過篩的粉類, 輕輕拌勻至沒有粉粒.備用 4) 蛋白用低速打發至起泡, 慢慢加入糖, 分開3次加入, 5) 打至蛋白尖端呈企身 6) 預熱焗爐170度 7) 將1/3的蛋白霜加入麵糊中混合, 8) 將麵糊倒進餘下的蛋白霜中. 拌勻 9) 把麵糊倒入焗盤中,用刮抹平 10) 放入預熱焗爐以170度焗15分鐘, 11) 取出後離模待涼 12) 塗上甜忌廉及紅豆餡料,​ 13) 小心把蛋糕捲圓,放入雪櫃中,約 2小時.完成 ​<<抺茶凍>> 材料: 水200g 糖20g​​ 魚膠片5g 抺茶粉2g 熱水10g​ 做法: 1) 用冰水浸軟魚膠片,備用 2) 抺茶粉加熱水拌勻,製成抺茶漿備用 3) 水,糖煮至滾, 倒入抺茶漿,拌勻, 4) 放入已滲軟的魚膠片,拌勻 5) 倒入模型待涼 6) 放入雪櫃雪一晚,完成


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