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​Chocolate Pound Cake

Surprisingly, it is not easy to make a pound cake at all. I've been trying and failing these couple of weeks, because I just can't the perfect sweetness and buttery taste that I like. After trying with help of a Japanese recipe, I've finally made the one that I like perfectly! Then making a crispy crunch with chocolate sauce, top with dried fruits, just my type of cake for afternoon tea.

Ingredients:​ 60g unsalted butter 60g granulated sugar 70g cake flour 10g unsweetened cocoa powder 1/3 baking powder 1 egg 200g chocolate 25g Hazelnut 25g dried fruits Method:

1) soften the butter 2) mix the butter with sugar 3) add in the egg from 4 portions, stir with low speed with a mixer, make sure the texture is completely smooth each time 4) add in the low gluten flour, baking powder and coco powder after screening, stir until smooth 5) pour into module 6) slightly tap the module a few times 7) preheat the over at 180 degrees, then bake for 40 minutes, take out and cool down 8) dissolve the chocolate with water heating method 9) Mix in the nuts and stir well 10) pour the chocolate on the cake when it's still warm 11) Top with dried fruits to finish 材料: 無鹽牛油60g 糖60g 蛋1隻 低筋麵粉70g 泡打粉1/3 tsp 乾果25g 朱古力200g 榛子果仁25g 步驟: 1) 軟化牛油 2) 牛油和糖拌合 3) 蛋液分開4次慢慢加入.用打蛋器低速攪拌, 每一次都要充分拌合至滑順 4) 加入已過篩的低戶筋麵粉,發粉,可可粉, 拌合至順滑 5) 倒入烤模 6) 輕輕將烤模在桌上敲幾次, 7) 預熱焗爐180度, 焗40分鐘. 拿出等待冷卻. 備用 8) 隔水加熱, 融化朱古力. 9) 加入果仁,拌勻 10) 趁朱古力還有熱度時, 立即淋在蛋糕上. 11) 加上什果乾. 完成



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