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Honey BBQ pork made sous vide style, accompanied by scrambled eggs and toast

Breakfast at home can be stylish and extraordinary. It's be a fruitful after such breakfast! Ingredients:​ 500g Pork Collar-butt Marinade: 1tsp five spices powder 1/2tsp Sand Ginger Powder 1tsp salt 1tsp sugar 1tbsp Chu Hou Sauce 1tbsp Cha Siu Sauce 1tbsp light soy sauce 1tbsp alcoholic rose syrup 1 Egg Honey Sauce: 200g Maltose 2tbsp Cha Siu Sauce 40ml water 1tsp salt​​

Method: ​1). Clean the pork, wipe to dry 2). Mix with all the seasoning 3). marinate overnight, if possible its better to rotate sides 4). After marinated, vacuum seal for slow cook 5). Slow cook in warm water of 63 degrees for 7 hours 6). Preheat oven at 240 degrees 7). Mix the maltose, Cha Siu sauce, and salt in hot water to melt completely 8). Oven bake each side for 5 minutes. Then bake for another 2-3 minutes with honey

材料: 梅頭豬肉 500g 醃料: 五香粉1茶匙 沙薑粉1/2茶匙 鹽1茶匙 糖1茶匙 柱侯醬1湯匙 叉燒醬2湯匙 生抽1湯匙 玫瑰露酒1湯匙 雞蛋1隻 蜜汁: 麥芽糖200g 叉燒醬2湯匙 熱水40ml

鹽 1茶匙 步驟: 1) 將豬肉洗淨,抺乾水份.

2) 將所以醃料拌勻, 3) 豬肉醃1晚, 可以的話得閒反一反, 醃得均勻D

4) 醃後, 取出放入袋抽真空,

5) 放入已預熱63度水, 慢煮7小時, 6) 預熱焗爐240度,

7) 麥芽糖,叉燒醬,熱水,鹽拌勻, 隔水座溶. 8) 每邊焗5分鐘,塗上蜜汁.再焗2-3分鐘. 完成



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