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Chocolate Cup Cakes

Ingredients: 6pcs Chocolate cup cakes 2 Egg white 100g sugar 1/4 cream of tartar


1) find a medium size pot and add in water until 1/3 filled 2) find a bowl that fits in the bowl, but make sure it's completely above the water 3) add in egg whites, sugar and tartar powder to the bowl 4) heat up and stir well, until the egg white reaches 49 degrees 5) take out from the bowl and whisk with an electric whiskers for 5 minutes with high speed 6) pour into a bag and squeeze out onto the cake 7) use a burner to light it up gently until it turns into a light brown colour 材料: 朱古力蛋糕6件 蛋白2隻 糖100g 他他粉1/4茶匙 步驟: 1)準備中煲,倒入1/3水 2)準備一個碗,確保碗底部接觸不到水 3)將碗放在煲上,加入蛋白、砂糖、他他粉 4)開火,不停攪拌,蛋白熱度達到49度 5)取出,用電動打蛋器,高速打5分鐘,打至光滑




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