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Healthy Snack - Dried Strawberry Chips

Pic 2 (圖2)

< Healthy Snack - Dried Strawberry Chips > Out of the blue, I wanted to make some healthy snacks for my sweet daughter. Of course, Master Law is also benefiting from this, much better than chips! This is also a first, so I've just tried with a few pieces of strawberries, I tried to cook with both the oven and the airfryer, I think the outcome is very similar, just it's more time consuming with the oven, but I think the strawberry flavour is the stronger of the two. Next time, I will challenge other fruits...... Ingredient: 5pcs Strawberry Method: 1. Cut the strawberry into thin slices 2. Dry off the strawberries with paper towel throughly 3. Oven: oven bake (fan mode) 90 degrees for 60 minutes, flip over and bake for another 60 minutes

Airfryer: Airfry with 85 degrees for 75 minutes 4. Cool down for 10 minutes and then can store in a vacuumed container. Can store for up to 1 week. Tips: 1. Temperatures might vary between ovens, slight adjustment will be necessary

<健康小食-士多啤梨脆片> 心血來潮,想試下整D健康零食比囡囡, 當然law大少又受惠, 好過食埋D薯片啦! 始終第一次整, 所以用幾粒士多啤梨做試驗, 今次分別用了焗爐同Airfryer氣炸鍋試做. 兩耆效果差唔多, 只是焗爐所需時間要耐D. 但仍保留士多啤梨的香甜味 所以沒有Airfryer, 也可以用焗爐代替 下次再試下整其他生果先...... 材料: 士多啤梨5粒 步驟: 1) 將士多啤梨切簿片. 2) 用廚房紙印乾水份.

3) 焗爐: 放入焗爐(風扇模式)以90度焗60分鐘, 之後把士多啤梨片反轉再焗60分鐘 /   Airfryer氣炸鍋 : 以85度焗75分鐘. 4) 冷卻10分鐘放入密實樽/盒內保存, 可保存一星期. 提示: 1) 每個焗爐的溫度有差異, 焗的時候需自行調較及留意



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