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Alfredo linguine with Clam Sauce 白汁蜆肉意粉

Since I've found my perfect recipe for creamy Alfredo sauce, I haven't been buying any bottled from supermarket. All I need win me is just Hokkaido 3.6 milk, I found it very rich, and can even skip the fatness of cream. Pre Time : 30mins Cook Time : 15mins Servings: 4 White Sauce Ingredient: 1) 30g Butter 2) 2tbsp Flour 3) 200ml Hokkaido 4) 100ml Cream 5) 30ml Clam Water Ingredient: 1) 250g Linguine 2) 10g butter 3) 3pcs Garlics 4) 600g Clams 1). Clean the clams, by adding a table spoon of vinegar into water, then let them swim and spit out the sand inside for a good 30 minutes. 2). Boil water for the pasta, cook for 6-7 minutes 3). On the other side, use butter instead of oil, then stir fry garlic. After that can add in the clams and 20ml of water, cook for 3 minutes with the lid on. The clams should be cooked and opened up. Save for later use, but keep the water from the clams as well. 4). Dissolve butter, and add in the flour to cook to a sticky texture 5). Add in milk, cream, and the clam water. Flavour with salt and pepper. 6). Cook till the sauce turns thick, turn off the heat and mix in the pasta and clams. 自從識煮白汁之後, 已經好耐冇買過現成一樽樽的白汁. 長期存貨只有北海道牛奶.我鐘意用北海道牛奶, 味道更香濃. 如果沒有忌廉, 可以用牛奶代替便可. 3-4人份量 準備時間: 30分鐘 烹調時間: 15分鐘 白汁材料: 牛油 30g 麵粉2tbsp 北海道牛奶200ml 忌廉100ml 蜆水30ml 材料: 意粉 250g 牛油10g 蒜頭 3粒 (磨蓉) 大蜆 1斤 步驟: 1) 大蜆洗乾淨, 用水加1湯匙醋浸約30分鐘,讓大蜆吐沙 2) 煲水, 滾起後下意粉煮6-7分鐘, 盛起. 3) 另一邊,用小鍋下牛油, 溶化後下蒜蓉炒香, 然後下大蜆, 落20ml水, 加蓋煮約3分鐘至大蜆開口 , 倒出並留下蜆水備用. 4) 用平底鑊, 下牛油,溶化後落麵粉, 煮至麵糊狀態 5) 落牛奶,忌廉, 蜆水拌勻, 試味後, 落少許鹽,黑胡椒, 6) 煮至開始杰身的時候, 熄火.下意粉, 大蜆, 拌勻, 上碟


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